Monday, February 19, 2007

"10 Things You Could Do Too."

Wish you could help transform a community? You can. With the power of the Holy Spirit, everyone can do something to change the world. And your efforts of faith are multiplied if they help leverage the collective Church impact in your city. We call it 'fishing our city together with a net'.

  • Community Prayer: Here's what one pastor wrote... "Living In A Prayed-For Community". You can pray and encourage others to pray for their neighbors and the community, its leaders, teachers, pastors, and other civic heroes. In our community, we spread the word that the local Friday siren was a great time to stop a few minutes especially to pray for the community. And we let our civic leaders know it was also a signal to remind them they're being prayed-for regularly.

As you look for opportunities for change, consider the tech capabilities now being put in the hands of everyday users like yourself, making it easy to create impact in just a few minutes per day. It's as easy as email !

  • Neighborhood Website: You can start a free & easy website for your neighborhood. Help people 'share life together'. It could contain neighborhood news, photos, videos, best-in-class resource links you find... and of course, give them readi-access to the best that life has to offer... Jesus Christ... only a click away. Here's one such neighborhood site as an example. And here's a site that helps train Christian bloggers. Perhaps start an email-group among your neighbors. And there are tons of other great neighborhood ideas & resources shown here at

  • City Portal/Hub Website: On a citywide scale, you can start or participate in a Christian city-site as a centralized hub of great information. Link to Bible-believing churches & ministries. Encourage their leaders by helping your surfers get to know those ministries and get involved. Consider how such a site could help connect Christ-followers across former dividing lines... especially racial, economic, urban/suburban, generational, denominational lines. Reconnect the Church of your city for greater collective impact. is one such city-portal. Or visit Blews.Network to drill down into many such city networking sites among the 50-states.

  • Hands-on Connecting & Service: And if that's something helpful you can do via the web, it is equally true of hands-on networking & communicating among cityreachers in your city. Again, you could surf the Blews.Network to find the active cityreachers in your city. Or call around, asking pastors nearby, "Who is actively calling Bible-believing pastors & leaders together, for prayer and collaborative impact?" Get in touch with them. Offer to serve as a networker to help make calls or serve at events which help reconnect the Body of Christ in your community. You could even help connect the city-networks together, statewide. Example: Transform Indiana.

  • Church or Ministry Websites: Or help your favorite church or ministry put up a website and connect with the larger 'Big C' Church in your community. Help them know of great ways in which they can readily be involved in the Great Commission TOGETHER in your city. Btw, because of the digital divide, urban churches are way under-represented on the web -- many would be grateful for your help. Here's the simple website built for a little Christian cafe in the inner-city, which helps serve as a connecting point for urban/suburban Christ-followers to get to better know, understand and work with others NOT like ourselves... for the harmonious cause of Christ in Indianapolis.

  • Be a Reconciler: Don't know how to begin being an urban/suburban connector? Call around. Ask "What Bible-believing pastors are calling the Church to pull down racial dividing lines?" Here in Indianapolis, Crossroads Bible College has become well-known for their unique ability to create a diverse, multi-ethnic environment in which to train cityreachers for Christ. Learn from ministries like these. Interview pastors/leaders from racial backgrounds NOT like your own. Ask how you can help bring down dividing walls.

  • Topical Website: Or start some type of business or hobby site based on your expertise in which you can reflect Christ and lead your surfers to the gospel through deed and word.

  • Got a digital camera? Be an embedded photographer or reporter. Help add compelling content to local sites. Serve your cityreaching team in ways that could help accelerate the Great Commission in your city, on your watch.

  • Social Tagger: Are you an avid internet surfer? Save great local links not just for yourself, but make them readily available for others to benefit from your time & experience. It's called social bookmarking... or 'tagging'. Here's one such collection of tags. In fact, if you could join other Christian taggers as they tag collectively at

  • Hang with other cityreaching types. Join the 'City Reaching Movement' group at Facebook and just hang-out there 'behind the scenes'. Watch the things they're doing and brainstorming. Learn together. Sharpen one another. Then do what you can do.

There's no shortage of ways to impact your community for Christ. Be creative.

What are YOUR ideas?


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